Pure IV POTS Relief Mobile IV Package

POTS Syndrome Support IV Therapy

Living with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) can be challenging, with symptoms that often include rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and fatigue upon standing. Pure IV’s POTS Syndrome Relief Mobile IV Package is designed to help manage these symptoms effectively, providing essential hydration and nutrients directly to your bloodstream to improve your quality of life.

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How IV Therapy for POTS Works

Our POTS Syndrome Relief IV drip is formulated with a blend of fluids, vitamins, and minerals that target the specific needs of individuals dealing with POTS. This therapy enhances blood volume and stabilizes blood pressure, which can be particularly beneficial for POTS patients experiencing orthostatic intolerance.


Understanding Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is a condition that affects circulation (blood flow). It involves the nervous system and is characterized by the body’s inability to properly regulate blood flow and blood pressure, resulting in significant increases in heart rate when standing up. Unlike diseases caused by pathogens like viruses and bacteria, POTS is related to the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary bodily functions, including heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion.

Symptoms of POTS include:

  • Rapid heartbeat or palpitations upon standing up
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness, often relieved by lying down
  • Fainting or near-fainting spells
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Shaking and sweating
  • Chest pains
  • Difficulty with exercise
  • Brain fog, including problems with concentration and memory


POTS can develop in individuals who have had a recent history of viral infection, surgery, or trauma, although the exact cause is often difficult to pinpoint. It is most commonly diagnosed in young women but can affect anyone.


Managing POTS involves:

  • Increasing fluid and salt intake to improve blood volume and pressure
  • Wearing compression stockings to help push blood up from the legs to the heart
  • Performing physical therapies designed to improve autonomic nervous system function
  • Taking medications prescribed by healthcare providers to manage heart rate and blood pressure
  • Implementing a controlled exercise program to gradually increase physical stamina


Living with POTS can be challenging because it affects everyday activities. Its symptoms often mimic other conditions, making diagnosis difficult. However, with proper management strategies and medical support, many individuals with POTS can lead full, active lives. Understanding the triggers and effective coping mechanisms are crucial in managing the impacts of this syndrome effectively.

Benefits of POTS IV Therapy

Rapid Symptom Relief: Alleviates common POTS symptoms such as lightheadedness, palpitations, and fatigue.

Enhanced Hydration: Directly hydrates the body to improve blood volume and reduce heart rate spikes.

Electrolyte Balancing: Replenishes essential electrolytes that help regulate heart rate and blood pressure.

Convenient and Comfortable: Receive this effective treatment in the comfort of your own home or preferred location.


Key Ingredients

IV Fluids: Increases blood volume to help mitigate the rapid heart rate associated with POTS.

Sodium Chloride: Helps retain fluids and improve blood pressure control.

Vitamin B Complex: Supports energy production and overall neurological function.

Magnesium: Known to help regulate heart rhythm and prevent palpitations.

Customization Options

To further enhance the efficacy of your treatment, Pure IV offers additional nutrients and adjustments tailored to your specific symptoms and needs:

Additional Sodium: For patients who may require higher sodium levels to manage their blood pressure.

Potassium: To balance electrolytes, crucial for heart and muscle function.

Vitamin C and Vitamin D: Support immune function and overall health, which can be compromised in chronic illness.


Who Should Consider This IV Therapy?

This therapy is ideal for individuals who:

Suffer from POTS: Particularly those who experience severe hydration issues and rapid heart rate increases upon standing.

Need Quick Symptom Management: Especially useful for days when symptoms are exacerbated and immediate relief is needed.

Seeking Ongoing Support: Can be used as part of a regular management plan to maintain stability in symptoms.

Get Started with Pure IV

If you're struggling with the symptoms of POTS and looking for a supportive therapy that comes to you, contact Pure IV at 833-688-1299 to schedule your POTS Syndrome Relief IV package. Our team of professional nurses is ready to assist you with a personalized IV treatment that supports your health and wellbeing. Call today to find relief and improve your daily functioning with our targeted IV therapy!


  • Can I get IV fluids for POTS?

    Yes, you can get IV fluids for POTS, which help increase blood volume and stabilize heart rate, effectively mitigating symptoms.

  • What is the most effective treatment for POTS?

    The most effective treatment for POTS often includes a combination of increased salt and fluid intake, medications like beta blockers or fludrocortisone, and physical therapy to improve vascular tone.

  • Are IV drips worth the money?

    IV drips are worth the money for many people, providing rapid hydration, essential nutrients, and medication efficacy that are especially beneficial for acute care and chronic conditions management.

  • What is in Myers Cocktail IV?

    The Myers Cocktail IV includes a blend of magnesium, calcium, B vitamins (including B12), and vitamin C, which work together to boost energy, reduce inflammation, and improve overall cellular function.

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