Pure IV Cold and Flu Relief Mobile IV Package

Cold & Flu IV Drip

When you’re hit with the full force of a cold or flu, Pure IV can help you get better faster. Pure IV’s Cold and Flu Relief Mobile IV Package is designed to help you recover quickly and comfortably in the convenience of your own home or office. Our expert team brings this essential treatment right to you, ensuring you can rest and recuperate without the hassle of visiting a traditional clinic.

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How IV for Cold and Flu Works

Our Cold and Flu IV drip is packed with a potent mix of vitamins, minerals, and medicines that work together to combat your symptoms. By administering these directly into your bloodstream, they bypass the digestive system, allowing for maximum absorption and faster relief.


Cold and Flu Symptoms

Typically, your body’s immune system is designed to protect you by fighting off harmful pathogens such as viruses. When you catch a cold or the flu, it activates, producing antibodies that attack these viruses. Unlike allergies where the immune system reacts to harmless substances, colds and flu arise from actual viral infections.

Symptoms of colds and flu can include:

  • Sneezing
  • Itchy or sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Red, watery eyes
  • Body aches
  • Headaches
  • Coughing
  • Fever and chills
  • Fatigue


Cold and flu are both respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. The flu is generally more severe than the common cold and can sometimes lead to more serious health complications. If you’re dealing with these symptoms, especially during cold and flu season, it’s important to rest, stay hydrated, and consider IV therapy if symptoms are severe or you need to feel better fast. Prevention measures like getting a flu vaccine and practicing good hygiene can also help protect you during peak season.


Benefits of Cold and Flu IV Therapy

Rapid Symptom Relief: Quickly reduces symptoms of the flu and common cold, including body aches, headaches, and fever.

Boost Hydration: Replenishes body fluids lost during illness, helping you to recover faster.

Immune System Support: High doses of Vitamin C and other essential nutrients help strengthen your immune system, making it easier to fight off viral infections.

Convenience: Delivered directly to your location by professional nurses, making it easier for you to rest and heal.

Key Ingredients

IV Fluids: Hydrates and revitalizes your body, critical when fighting off infections.

Vitamin B Complex: Enhances natural energy levels and supports the immune system.

Vitamin B12: Provides an energy boost and supports the production of healthy cells.

Vitamin C: Known for its immune-boosting properties, it helps reduce the duration and severity of colds.

Glutathione: Acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, easing aches and pains associated with the flu.

Zinc: Helps reduce virus replication duration, cutting down your sickness time.

Anti-inflammatory and Pain Medication: Offers immediate relief for fever, aches, and pains.

Enhance your IV therapy based on your specific symptoms with these add-ons:

Anti-nausea & Vomiting Medicine: Directly targets and blocks the signals causing your upset stomach.

Vitamin D: Boosts immune health and protects against respiratory illnesses, supported by studies showing its efficacy.


Get Started with Pure IV

Don’t let the flu or a cold get you down. Contact Pure IV at 833-688-1299 to schedule your Cold and Flu Relief IV package. Our friendly team is ready to help you kick your illness to the curb with professional, prompt, and effective IV therapy. Call today and start your recovery without stepping out the door!


  • What is an IV injection for cold and flu?

    An IV injection for cold and flu typically includes a blend of IV fluids, vitamins, and medications designed to alleviate symptoms and boost the immune system.

  • What IV is good for a cold?

    A good IV for treating a cold often contains high doses of vitamin C, zinc, and hydration fluids to help reduce symptoms and shorten the duration of illness.

  • What IV drugs are used to treat the Flu?

    IV drugs used to treat the flu commonly include antiviral medications like oseltamivir, along with immune-boosting supplements such as vitamin C and zinc.

  • Does IV therapy help cold and flu?

    Yes, IV therapy helps with cold and flu by quickly hydrating the body, delivering high doses of immune-boosting vitamins, and sometimes including antiviral medications that can help reduce the severity and duration of the illness.

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